Now that CityBaby is immunized and 3 1/2 months old, we try to get out at least once a day for an outing. Lately, we find ourselves at Whole Foods. I like Whole Foods. In fact, I have a bit of an obsession with it. I like the experience, I like the offerings and I like the people. CityBaby does not feel the same. Here's how it goes: He is quiet in the produce section. Just chilling in his car seat perched high atop the cart. I face him out since he seems to be more content that way. I make a point of talking to him to continually keep him stimulated (this is some rubbish I read in a book) so I am the crazy lady talking to my infant. We cruise around the produce area, get our fruits and vegetables and move on to the cereals. He starts to become a bit more alert here and continues through the dairy aisle to the poultry section. Then as we round the frozen food section into the fresh foods and cheeses, he contorts his face and starts this cry he has perfected. It says, I am not really upset but I want you to know I am getting unhappy. Then as we leave the bakery department on our way to check out, he lets loose. The nice thing about Whole Foods is that throughout the store they pump music and white noise so you can't really hear a screaming baby. Not so at the checkout area. Every time we've been there, he breaks out in a full blown scream, tears and everything. In fact, the last time we were there, our friendly checkout girl mentioned that she remembered me from last time. Why? Because my baby was also crying at the checkout. Great - I am THAT lady. I'm going to continue to experiment and see what it is that makes him cry because I just can't give up my Whole Foods obsession.