I was posed this question this other day from a long time blog reader. Ok, it was a relative. But, in mind, it counts. I have been avoiding the blog for some time (3 months to be exact) and here's why:
1. I've been busy. Summer can be all consuming. I much prefer the school year when there is a set schedule to everything and people seem to be more diligent about keeping a routine. In all honesty, I would love my answer to this question to be "I have been insert huge achievement here." Huge achievement could be replaced with working on my Nobel Peace Prize speech, finishing my novel or studying Mandarin. But really I have just been busy with life.
2. It's been hot. I know, I know. I sound like a complainer. But the truth is that having successive 100+ degree days is exhausting and unmotivating.
3. My garden has been a HUGE disappointment. Last year, if you remember, I blogged almost weekly about my bounty of vegetables. This year, I had exactly one (yes, one) zucchini, Roma tomatoes and a couple of big boys. Really disappointing. Now, I've just got a weed garden. Even my herbs didn't grow. The heat really killed my garden. CityCrab cut off my access to the hose after our water bills reached $200/month. But the good news is that I have read that there's a second growing season here in the South so I am already engineering my Fall garden.
4. Did I mention it has been hot?
5. I've been daydreaming. As the September issues of magazines and Fall clothes catalogs show up in mailbox, I'm distracted. I am dreaming of boots and sweaters and jeans and turtlenecks. I am hopeful I will be wearing all these by Thanksgiving. Or I could be hitting the beach then...who knows?
Now that I am in back to school mode and the while the summer isn't exactly winding down here, I am ready to get back to my routine. And I've got a long list of blogworthy topics so stay tuned.
I'll See You In My Dreams Screening
9 years ago