Now I know what they mean. Lulu was sick as a dog this week. Of course, she is a dog so that makes it even more appropos. Sickness in dogs is way worse than humans. They can't tell you what hurts, they can't tell you they feel nauseaus and they can't scream "take me the doctor now." But if you look really close and pay attention they are telling you this. Wednesday night Lulu was walking all around the house all night. Usually, she sleeps. But I could her the echo of the tap, tap, tap of her nails on the floor all night long. At 3am, I got up and let her out. She promptly got sick in the front bushes. I looked at her and told her, aloud (yes- I am crazy lady with a dog), "don't worry we've all been there." Granted, mine was in high school. Thursday morning CityCrab made the call to the vet and we dropped her off. The diagnosis came around lunch: pneumonia. I was traumatized by this. Was it something I did? Something I missed? Apparently, it's a fluke the doctor said. They gave her lots of fluids and antibitoics and x-rays. And, today, she's back to her old self. Now I'm watching Reuben's every move and waiting for his symptoms to appear.
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