I can't go back. Literally. I am stuck. How did this happen? Let me explain. Last week, we were having some work done and I had to temporarily relocate my office to our guest bedroom. I had known about this for some time however, as usual, waited until the last minute to do it. I carted everything I needed into the guestroom and put it all on the bed for the time being. I was working on my laptop and placed it open on the bed. Bad move. Lulu jumped on the bed and on to the laptop keyboard.

She claims she was trying to locate her birth mother but this is another story alotgether. I come back and see her on the laptop, go to remove her and hear a pop. I looked down and see where my "backspace" key used to be is a hole. I panic. Without backspace, everything becomes permanent. I can never undo anything. I get on my hands and knees and start to serach for the key. I find it wedged between the headboard and the wall. Releived that I have found it, I think I can just reattach it. I place the key over the hole and press. The key falls to the floor again. I pick it up and gingerly place it over the hole and press. Alas, it will not stick. So, I have no backspace key, just a void where it used to be. And this is why I am stuck and can't go back. Sigh...........
1 comment:
That picture is too cute! And I will say, with no backspace button, you did a great job on this post. Oh and tonight's Dr.Phil is all about finding your birth mom. Lulu's probably in the other room watching right now.
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