I'll just go ahead and answer the questions about to roll off your tongue. Yes, we are Jewish. No, we don't celebrate Easter. But who are we to pass up an invite to an Easter Egg Hunt? This past weekend good friends of ours held an Easter Egg Hunt and invited us. We are always up for a cultural exchange (we send them a Purim
Shalach Manos every year) and well, let's be honest, chocolate is involved. In preparation, I put together a small basket for the host. Picture me in the seasonal candy aisle at Target surveying everyone for their opinion on what to include. We roll up to find everyone in their beautiful smocked clothing (we went slightly more urban) and empty baskets. Empty baskets??? Shoot! You need some type of receptacle to hold your eggs. I looked back into my car. Would a Whole Foods grocery bag do? We were already smockless- why push it? And truth be told, my only option at home would have been a Halloween pumpkin. Thankfully, the hostess had a basket for CityBaby. Once he got the hang of it, he really enjoyed it. He didn't love the Easter Bunny arrival but he has never really taken to human size creatures. Here are some pics. I'm thinking about using them for next year's Chanukah card...whaddya think?

GC and Citybaby discussing strategy.

I'm not that into you but I'll take your bubbles.
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