After last week's Challah Extravanganza, I had lots of yeast and flour hanging around. So, the spirit of being thrifty, I thought I would try my hand at ppizza dough. I was looking for something fast and easy. Ater perusing several recipes, I landed on an Alton Brown. Anyone familiar with Alton knows he can be a bit verbose and his written recipes are just the same. I wasn't looking for a whole origins of yeast lesson so I got started on the ingredients. The most appealing quality about this recipe was the use of the mixer - no hand kneading or rolling. My hands didn't need to touch the dough once. I followed the instructions perfectly. I then decided to scroll down 2 pages to see that the dough needs to chill in the refrigerator for 18-24 hours. Ooops. I was looking at pizza tonight for dinner. Oh well. I stuck it in the fridge and pulled it out 30 minutes before baking. It was a little tough to roll out and not as light and airy as doughs I've bought. It was very elastic and kept retracting on the pan (I went square - a tip of the hat to my hometownNew Haven style pizza) but once I got the sauce and cheese on top of it, it stayed put. It didn't roll out evenly so some areas were doughy. I really prefer thin and crispy. In lieu of a pizza stone, which I don't own, I think I would put it on the rack next time. In any event, I decided next time, I'll just buy the dough. Although I do have one packet of yeast left....pretzels anyone?
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