Monday was a doozy. We had just returned Sunday night from a whirlwind South Florida trip. CityBaby was due back at school and not happy about it. Reuben was emotionally scared from spending the week at camp and physically sick, too. CityCrab was complaining of a cold. And, me? I was holding it all together with a paper clip and a rubber band. It started early with CityBaby coughing himself awake. Then Reuben dashed downstairs ahead of everyone to wait at the front door with that "you better let me out" look. I let Reuben out, I dressed and fed CityBaby, I got dressed (I think) and I ran out the door to head off to school. I literally ran out the door because as I was sitting in the car, ready to pull out of the driveway, I noticed I actually left the back door open. Yes - wide open. I get in the car, already late, and decided that rather than wipe off the side view mirrors or wait for the heater to clear them, I'll just wing it. Heck, I've done this a million times. Well, I winged it alright. Right into our DirecTv dish. Which also happens to sit adjacent to our house. I was met with a loud crunch and then a "Whoa!" from CityBaby. Oof! I got out, checked the damage (broken light, scratch on the car) and actually bent back the dish, like if I did that then it would be alright. But, hey, I was late. I didn't have time to linger. I filed it under "Deal with Later." I jumped back in the car and made my way, safely, out of the driveway. Then my cell rings.
I answer as calmly as I can.
"Did you just drive into the side of the house?"
Pause. How often do you expect to have to answer that to your husband?
"Um, yes." I had nothing. I had to go with the truth. I needed to garnish all the favor I could.
"Ok, well, we have no TV."
Pause on both ends.
"I'll call DirecTv and see if they can get someone out here today."
How's that for a Monday?
I'll See You In My Dreams Screening
9 years ago
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