On Friday we picked up our first crop from the
CSA. This bounty included mustard greens, collard greens, plantation onions (these look scallions on steroids) and dark green romaine lettuce. We also got a gallon of strawberries, a small bouquet of flowers and a little green frog named Putt-Putt. He didn't come with that name but was dubbed it by CityBaby. At first glance, I find the amount of greens intimidating. I am not really a "greens" person. We donated the collards to a someone who not only knows how to cook them but also knows to eat them for wealth. I am thinking about cooking up the mustard greens a la spinach with some garlic and lemon. I gave away a bunch of strawberries and still have a million left. I am drying some as I type. This is one of my favorite things to do since my oven has a drying feature. Extra vegetables, fruits and herbs all get the drying treatment in this house. I am scratching my head over the plantation onions. I might just sautee them and use them I would onions. It feels good to be out of my comfort zone in the vegetable arena. And, who knows? I might find I really quite like greens.
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