It is that time of year again. For me, Passover always marks spring cleaning. It starts in the kitchen but extends far beyond there. This year I had additional inspiration from Oprah. I know, get in line. Her March issue was dedicated to clearing out the clutter and reorganizing. Both actual, spiritual and emotional. I could you use of the above. So, I've been cleaning out for a few weeks now. I always start with closets moving from clothes to shoes. That usually takes the good part of 2 weeks. My method is to chip away at it. A few hours here and there. Otherwise, the task becomes so daunting I would literally be clearing out my Madonna look from the 80s. This year, I took an extra step and audited my bags. Oy, do I have bags! I have big purses and small purses and gym bags and weekend bags and computer bags bearing all kinds of logos that I have been collecting since my first job. Some of the companies aren't even around anymore. I found some good homes for some. Mama Ruth had been looking for a red bag so that was a great placement. Others had to be sacrificed in the form of Goodwill donation. From closets, I moved on to our home office. I started with the obvious. Tax returns older than ten years were shredded. Then I got rid of files for cars and homes and appliances we no longer own. Then on to child artwork, toy warranties and dog immunization records from 2005. The kitchen pantry was next. First, it was everything with an expired due date. Sad to admit that that garbage bag was hefty. Then it was things that were technically still fresh but had taken a beating. Ever seen a fruit bar that had taken a pounding from canned tomatoes? Not pretty. Then I found an amazing amount of matzah products. I always forget I have it and buy it again. I have matzah meal and cake meal and farfel and gluten-free matzah and salt-free matzah and egg matzah. The good news? Fresh matzah tastes stale so this stuff never expires. Then I took my cookbooks to task. I have a lot of cookbooks for someone who always complains they need inspiration. I gave them a shelf and now with their titles all facing out, I just need to glance to find inspiration. I am ready to take on spring, Passover and warm weather. Until next week, when my new organization needs re-organizing.
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