Thursday, July 30, 2009

Like Riding a Bike

I want this. I saw it today online and decided I want it. Can't you just see it? I am trekking to the beach with CityBaby and beach gear in tow. I am jetting off to the grocery store with my recyclable bags hanging out the back. I am maneuvering the cobblestone streets of downtown Charleston with fresh flowers and a baguette riding alongside Reuben. You can't see it? Oh, shoot. I can't either but I still want it anyway.


Today CityBaby and I were dissed. Hard. By Mama Ruth. See Culinary Tour for background but today we were scheduled to have lunch. Last night at 8:30, we spoke and firmed it up. Pick you up at 12:15. Perfect. Then this morning I called Mama Ruth to re-confirm, I figure you need to do this with a 91 year old woman. And, she coldly asked me if I got her message. Uh, no. In fact, I didn;\'t even hear the phone ring. Well, she tells me that last night she got a call and "her girls" need her for a fourth to play cards. Gee, I guess you can't let Frances, Muriel and Phyllis down. They're your girls. They need you. Your blood relations including your great-grandson, who you usually dote on, will fend for ourselves. Seriously, we'll be fine. Really.

Culinary Tour

Even though we are in the worst economic time since the Depression, there seems to be a plethora of new restaurants opening up in my area. Of course, I don't really know about them because I don't pay attention to such things. But, thankfully, I have Mama Ruth. No one makes a move without her knowing. You can't open a restaurant, change the display in the window of your store or forget to pick up your mail without her knowing. So, in light of the new openings, she has planned a Culinary Tour of Sullivan's Island. This will be helpful for anyone traveling to Charleston anytime soon. So, here's our itinerary:

Thyme - Apparently, this place has been around for awhile but I never noticed it. They have sandwiches, salads and such. Mama Ruth claims it's very good. I imagine this to be the kind of place you pick up sandwiches on your way to the beach.

Hometeam BBQ - The genesis for this stop was created when my brother was in town visiting. She was looking for somewhere casual to take everyone. She has a tablecloth/no child rule so this fit the bill. I have eaten their food at events but am eager to try it in-house.

Seel's Fish Camp - This recently opened. Mama Ruth loves her some fried food. And, I say, she deserves it. If you get to 91 without anything but elective surgery (cough, cough - plastic surgery - cough, cough) then eat all the fried stuff you want and take up smoking while you're at it!

Place with no name - This is a restaurant that apparently is located between what was previously known as Bert's Bar and another building. She claims it is there even though I have never seen it. They only serve lunch Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I'm pretty skeptical that this place even exists but I'll be sure to share a review.

Sullivan's - an oldie but goodie. This place has been around probably close to 20 years. I can remember eating here when I was younger. It's a neighborhood kind of place. The big draw for my grandparents was the 2 for Tuesday. Get 2 meals for the price of 1. As products of the depression they loved it. Not sure it's still the same case.

So, that's our plan. Since Mama Ruth has quite the social schedule, this tour will take some time since it can only occur on Fridays and the occasional Wednesday. She's busy every other day. Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Vortex

I recently read Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking. An amazing book in so many respects. In it she refers to something she calls "The Vortex". This is a name, a place or an object that recalls something else and your mind begins to take a journey that recalls many things all at once. It's almost as if time stops. I found this especially interesting since I experience something similar online. My version is called the black hole and it goes something like this: I sign in to Facebook. I check my friends updates. Then I see a long forgotten acquaintance from high school commented on a friend's picture. I click to see the picture. Then I see someone else I recognize. Then I land on their page (don't they know they can restrict it? fortunately for me, no). Then I see they own a company that makes baby clothes. And they have a blog on their site. So, I start reading that. Then hours later, I am looking at some girl I don't even know's pictures from her family vacation to dig potatoes in Idaho. Sound familiar? This is also usually the point when I realize either my phone is ringing, my baby is crying, the water on the stove is overflowing or my husband is standing over me asking what I am looking at. And I have to sheepishly answer, some girl I don't even know's pictures from her family vacation to dig potatoes in Idaho. Black Hole? The Vortex? Whatever you call it, it sure beats answering the phone, soothing the baby, turning down the water and humiliating myself to my husband.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bravo, Bravo!

This post is way overdue. Those of you who know me know I am a bit of a reality TV whore. And, Bravo has my number. Ironically, I never watched the Real Housewives of the OC but caught New York and have never looked back. I have pretty much watched every show, recap show and endless re-runs. Now with the addition of NYC Prep and Miami my grandmother used to say, "what a way to go!" Bravo, Bravo. Bravo!

A Heavy Heart

So, as you can see I haven't blogged in almost 2 months. Why? Well, my last post talked about Lulu, our miracle dog. And, sadly, about 3 weeks ago, we had to put her down. I knew it was coming and in the end, she made the decision easy for us. Her condition has declined rapidly and she looked up at us and said it. "i'm ready." So, alas we did the right thing. It was incredibly sad and heart breaking. And, every day I see her sitting on the top of the stairs, sitting on CityBaby's ottoman, chewing her favorite green bone or chasing that stupid tennis ball. She would do anything for a tennis ball. And I have avoided blogging thus avodiing confronting the emotions I am feeling. But for some reason today, I am inspired. I have so many things I want to write about. There's so muych to say. And, while I miss that cute little doggie, I need to move on. So, today I say goodbye to Lulu again and move on. And, the best part is that even though she is not here in body, she is here in spirit and I can feel it everywhere. And that makes me feel whole again.