Tuesday, December 18, 2007

On The Move

I despise moving. And everything about it. Packing, wrapping, organizing, cleaning, living among boxes and junk for weeks. But, I love moving on. New space, chance to organize and have everything in it's place. Right now, I am on the cusp of a move. I am also on the cusp of an anxiety attack to match it. I have known for quite some time that I would be moving yet I elected not to pack one thing or even think about it. I've been scouring Craig's List for cheap or free moving boxes. I'm trying to find that tape gun I pilfered from a job several years ago. I am thinking about how I am going to wrap all those wedding presents so they don't break. I have also enlisted CityCrab to help. He's been living in our new city for a few months now but we have developed a plan where we'll spend the holidays together....packing.

Monday, December 10, 2007


As a blog author, I also read a lot of blogs. One of the most common subjects I find is the issue of consistency. People write about how they pledged to write for some many weeks, months, years. They write about why they take time off, what they’ve been doing, where they’ve been. There’s a lot of apologies and excuses. I am not casting stones especially since I have been a member of all categories above. I’ve been inconsistent and I find that when I write, I write a bunch. In fact, this is the last of 4 entries I am getting ready to publish. This month marks over a year for me so I made it to my 1 year goal. And, I’ll continue to write. I’ll also continue to make excuses and be inconsistent and apologize from time to time. Hopefully, you’ll continue to read.

Chanukah, Hanukah, Hanukkah

Since I received more than one question on this year, I thought I would address it. What’s the deal with the spelling of this holiday? Truth is, I have no idea. But, I have a few theories of my own. Firstly, Chanukah is a Hebrew word. The Hebrew alphabet is not a one for one for the English alphabet so really there’s no checks and balances on this one. Two Ks? Sure, why not. A “CH” versus an “H”? It’s really in how you choose to pronounce it. Secondly, I think it’s a personal preference. For example, my mother has always used the Chanukah spelling. So, that’s what I feel comfortable with. So whether you go heavy with
your pronunciation, throw in an extra K or H, we still get gifts for 8 days.

The Miracle of Chanukah

Long story short, after successfully driving the Syrians out of The Temple in Jerusalem, the Macabees wanted to clean it up for their own use. As a tribute to their victory they wanted to light the candelabra. They were only able to find a tiny a drop of oil. But, miraculously, that oil lasted for 8 nights and thus we have Chanukah. I’ve always felt that Chanukah lent itself to some mathematical miracle of its own. For example, in Jewish day schools instead of the “a bus leaves Chicago going 75mph and a bus leaves New York going 85 mph….” question do they ask “you have an 8 candle menorah and every night you light a candle for the night plus a leader candle……” Having celebrated Chanukah for 30 something years now I know that in order to fulfill the celebration you need 44 candles. Every year, I rummage through my cabinets, closets and storage bins to find juts enough candles. Sometimes they all match, other times I have some beeswax, some smooth. Always different colors. But, alas, I always find 44. And, so the miracle of Chanukah, continues.

The Miracle of Chanukah

Long story short, after successfully driving the Syrians out of The Temple in Jerusalem, the Macabees wanted to clean it up for their own use. As a tribute to their victory they wanted to light the candelabra. They were only able to find a tiny a drop of oil. But, miraculously, that oil lasted for 8 nights and thus we have Chanukah. I’ve always felt that Chanukah lent itself to some mathematical miracle of its own. For example, in Jewish day schools instead of the “a bus leaves Chicago going 75mph and a bus leaves New York going 85 mph….” question do they ask “you have an 8 candle menorah and every night you light a candle for the night plus a leader candle……” Having celebrated Chanukah for 30 something years now I know that in order to fulfill the celebration you need 44 candles. Every year, I rummage through my cabinets, closets and storage bins to find juts enough candles. Sometimes they all match, other times I have some beeswax, some smooth. Always different colors. But, alas, I always find 44. And, so the miracle of Chanukah, continues.


When you see The Police perform twice within 3 months you’ve officially been Stung. We traveled abroad in Sept and caught The Police at Twickenham Rugby Stadium (just outside London). Then the week we returned home, we found out that they would be playing in our current town of Charlotte. So, we snagged tickets and went. Good news is that CityCrab conceded that his Sting desire has been satiated for quite some time. Whew! Just when I thought we were going to have out quit our jobs and follow them around in The Police bus.