Monday, December 10, 2007


As a blog author, I also read a lot of blogs. One of the most common subjects I find is the issue of consistency. People write about how they pledged to write for some many weeks, months, years. They write about why they take time off, what they’ve been doing, where they’ve been. There’s a lot of apologies and excuses. I am not casting stones especially since I have been a member of all categories above. I’ve been inconsistent and I find that when I write, I write a bunch. In fact, this is the last of 4 entries I am getting ready to publish. This month marks over a year for me so I made it to my 1 year goal. And, I’ll continue to write. I’ll also continue to make excuses and be inconsistent and apologize from time to time. Hopefully, you’ll continue to read.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I'm on it - I finally added to my blog, after discovering that The Hills is blessing me with 8 additional episodes this Season. How could life get any better? Also, I've got you linked up on my blog. Love it.