Saturday, May 19, 2012

Introducing The Little Bookshelf

Over a year ago, I had a great idea for a blog. It would be a place where I would be able to share with my readers unique, interesting, well known, little known and unknown children's books. I am an avid reader and this love has spread to children's books. So, in December 2010, I started the blog with one entry about one of my all time favorite children's book, Dr. Suess' The Sneetches. And the blog sat there collecting virtual dust. A few weeks ago, I was talking to a friend who inspired me to start it again. It sat there for a few more weeks until today. I decided to dust it off and start it up. I found both a header and a description I was happy with and dedicated my first re-entry to ,a href=>Maurice Sendak. I couldn't think of a more fitting tribute. So, join me on this new adventure and whether you are an adult, a child or an adult with a child, I promise you will enjoy reading what I have to share. Read The Little Bookshelf here and bookmark it!

CSA Week 4

I have been slack in reporting out on our weekly bounty. I know you are all riveted by these posts and have been sitting around just waiting for them. (Did any ever figure out the sarcasm font yet?) The past three weeks have been more of the same but it really started to pick up this week. We got a gallon (not sure how you figure that out) of yellow squash that looks better than anything Whole Foods could conjure up. Greem tomatoes (how inspiring!), nectarines (I am so sick of strawberries, never thought I would say that), leafy lettuce and a bunch of different shapes and sizes of cucumbers. I'll have no trouble using these veggies and am already inspired.