Thursday, December 23, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Eat Pray Love and I have a love/hate relationship. I never read the book when it came out. I would pass right by on it on a weekly basis in the NYT's Book Review. Wasn't for me. Then the author was everywhere in the press and TV. Then she was on Oprah and that clinched for me. (You know, everything she touches turns to GOLD!) So, in an attempt to get up to speed quickly, I listened to the audiobook. It is read by the author and there was something about her voice and they way she would pronounce the foreign terms in the perfect accent (a la Alex Trebek). The story however, I felt was contrived. Especially the Eat section. It was almost as though she forced herself to do things so that she could write about them. And, then I learned that she had pitched the concept to a publisher prior to her trip and received an upfront bonus for it. I felt cheated.

I finished the book and started a small obsession with meditation. I downloaded all kinds of apps and guides from iTunes. I tried it. I experienced all the things everyone says they experience. Instead of emptying my thoughts or concentrating, I would make a grocery list or to do list or fall asleep. I was a spiritual failure. Then the movie came out and everywhere I went I saw Julia's wide, toothy grin. I was annoyed. Then the movie became available for rent. Thanks to Netflix I was already paying a monthly fee for unlimited rentals, so I put it on the top of my queue. And, then it showed up in my mailbox one day. I filed it with the rest of the mail and kinda ignored it. Then one day I had a hole in my day. No husband, dog or baby. No laundry or grocery shopping. No nothing. So, I put it in. And watched it. I was completely swept up in it. I thought I could do anything. I thought I could meditate and eat and travel and live in hovels. I thought I was Julia Roberts. And, then I looked in the mirror. Oh, that damn mirror. I felt cheated all over again. And, that's why we have a love hate relationship.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Konflicted No More

And on the 7th night of Chanukah, I took the plunge. Or, rather CityCrab did it for me. I received the Nookcolor. I had done thorough research and while I am a diehard Amazon fan (and will continue to be), I felt the Nook offered everything I wanted at the right price. The color was what really won me over. Or rather, the color at that price point. Sure, the kindle is a little lighter. But I'm making due. I've spent the last few days playing with it and while I have lots to learn about, I am happy to report I am an ereader convert.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

December Dilemma

It was inevitable. And it happened today. We were in Target in the return line and I was pleading with CityBaby to stand still and stop fidgeting. I know the Target return line is the last place he wanted to be but it had to be done. I was employing one of my great parenting skills: bribery. I can't recall the exact words but it was something along the lines of: if you stop and behave, I will buy you a toy. Yep, that was it. Exactly. So, the kind woman in the Christmas sweater in front of me turned around and smiled at us and looked down at CityBaby and said, "you must have been a good boy to get a toy." Then it happened in a blink of an eye. It was like the vase that is falling off the table. You see it in slow motion and run to catch it, but you can't get there fast enough to stop it from smashing all over the floor.

"What did you ask Santa for, you good little boy?"

And, there it was. All over the floor, a million pieces of glass.

CityBaby looked up at her, with this quizzical look on his face that quickly turned to a blank stare. Oy. I smiled weakly. One of those "I didn't hear what you said but I am going to act like I did" smiles. Luckily, the next cashier was open and she was called away. I exhaled.

I guess the good thing is that he didn't wish her "Happy Chanukah." Or say "Who's Santa?" or "What is Santa?" or tell her something way worse.

I came home and made a note on a post-it that reads "Discuss Christmas."

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Cuppa Tea, Love?

A little known fact about me is that I know how to make a proper cup of tea. I was schooled in this by a British friend. When the weather turns cold and crisp, tea becomes a frequent treat for me.

The water must not be boiled but rather brought up to just before boiling. A good indication is when the kettle starts to emit lots of steam and the water is just starting to bubble. Pour just a little water, a spot, if you will, of water into the tea pot and roll it around so the pot warms. Toss this water. Place loose tea leaves into the pot and pour in the water directly from the kettle. Let it steep 3-5 minutes. Here is the pivotal part: place a small strainer over the cup and pour the tea through the strainer. It'll catch all the loose tea and leave you with a smooth cup of warm tea. You can add milk. I don't. Best enjoyed with biscuits. That's cookies to you neophytes.

A few notes:

I had trouble finding the perfect strainer and was lucky enough to receive one from abroad. The one I use is a Masterclass. It is the perfect size and mesh size. Amazon has a bunch of different types available.

I have been enjoying loose tea for a few years now. I used to visit Urbana in Charlotte. And now get my tea from Earthfare, where it is sold in bulk. I like green, rooibos and black tea.

I never eat biscuits or cookies or biscotti or finger sandwiches with my tea.

My tea set is very traditional. Bodum also makes great pots and cups, too.

And, lastly, if you are looking for an authentic and fun tea experience, should you find yourself in London, visit The Berkley for their Fashionista afternoon tea. It is adorable and the biscuits mimic the latest fashions by the hottest designer. Think edible Alexander McQueen, Zac Posen and Louboutin.
