Monday, December 10, 2007

Chanukah, Hanukah, Hanukkah

Since I received more than one question on this year, I thought I would address it. What’s the deal with the spelling of this holiday? Truth is, I have no idea. But, I have a few theories of my own. Firstly, Chanukah is a Hebrew word. The Hebrew alphabet is not a one for one for the English alphabet so really there’s no checks and balances on this one. Two Ks? Sure, why not. A “CH” versus an “H”? It’s really in how you choose to pronounce it. Secondly, I think it’s a personal preference. For example, my mother has always used the Chanukah spelling. So, that’s what I feel comfortable with. So whether you go heavy with
your pronunciation, throw in an extra K or H, we still get gifts for 8 days.

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