Tuesday, December 18, 2007

On The Move

I despise moving. And everything about it. Packing, wrapping, organizing, cleaning, living among boxes and junk for weeks. But, I love moving on. New space, chance to organize and have everything in it's place. Right now, I am on the cusp of a move. I am also on the cusp of an anxiety attack to match it. I have known for quite some time that I would be moving yet I elected not to pack one thing or even think about it. I've been scouring Craig's List for cheap or free moving boxes. I'm trying to find that tape gun I pilfered from a job several years ago. I am thinking about how I am going to wrap all those wedding presents so they don't break. I have also enlisted CityCrab to help. He's been living in our new city for a few months now but we have developed a plan where we'll spend the holidays together....packing.

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