Friday, August 01, 2008


What is it about Fridays? When I was working I looked forward to Fridays, along with the rest of my colleagues. It was the excitement, joy, relief of having 2 days off from work. I would have thought that Fridays would have a whole new meaning for me since I am not on a traditional work schedule. But I have found that I feel exactly the same way about them as I did before. It means CityCrab has 2 days off from work so he can help me with my job. He is an extra set of hands to hold CityBaby while I make a bottle, find some clean clothes, take a shower (a luxury these days) or run out to the dry cleaner. I have found that I look forward to Fridays with the same elation as before. I also feel like I can get through anything on a Friday because, it is Friday. I am thinking about instituting casual Fridays at home. This means instead of my usual post-pregnancy outfit of yoga pants and t-shirt, I'm going to downshift to sweats and an old t-shirt. And I am going to dress CityBaby in jeans. I'm going to put those denim overalls he got to good use. I might even give him every other Friday off in celebration of summer but not until his 90 day trial period is over.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Seriously, you're a total riot!