Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fruits, err, Vegetables of Our Labor

All the watering, and fertilizing and praying, not to mention the motivational talks, are paying off. The tomatoes, yellow squash and yellow pepper plants have shown significant growth. But more exciting are the plants that we planted as seeds. The lettuce started to sprout last week but the cucumbers and squash literally popped up overnight. It's so exciting to see the little leaves sticking out of the dirt. Even the watermelon and beans are starting to show promise. Our only loser right is the eggplant. In the herb department, everyone is doing fine and we've significant growth there. The interesting thing I have learned is that all herbs look the same when they first sprout. Looking across the 6 pots and seeing the same thing, had me wondering if I mistakenly planted the same seed in every pot. They sprout the same then turn into their own plant. Am I boring you yet with all my useless knowledge and talk of dirt? I'll post pics when I have a chance.

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