Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Garden Update

There's not much to update. I haven't actually planted anything yet because I have been waiting for the nighttime temperatures to reach 50 degrees. Also, I'm feeling anxious about planting. However, this Saturday, I am going to buy plants and get started. I have a diagram of what I need to buy (some veggies do best started as plants, others can be seeds) and optimal placement (things that grow in vines need to be on the outside, bushes in the middle). In other gardening news, I also have herbs growing in individual pots. I did this last year with basil and thyme and it was such a success, I've decided to expand to rosemary, parsley, cilantro and dill. These were planted about 10 days ago and I am just starting to see a few leaves pop out of the basil and dill. Every day I go out and water and inspect. It's a bit frustrating but I am hanging in there. CityBaby helped me plant those (and helps me water, which is just a mess) but we are both hopeful that before long we'll have some herbs. I'll post pics when I have something to share. I don't want to bore you with pictures of dirt.

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