Sunday, May 16, 2010

Garden of Nothin'

For those of you playing along at home, here's the latest from the garden. We are up to 12 tomatoes with one starting to turn reddish. Squash flowers have fallen off and if I inspect really closely with a magnifying glass I can see the start of a squash bed behind the fallen flowers. I have to use a very strict visualization technique here. The yellow peppers are still green but getting bigger. And there is one really large cucumber plant - I like to call it the "mama" plant since it is heads above all the others. A friend asked me this week if I was disappointed in the garden. And, my truthful answer was...yes. I am disappointed. I thought I would be knee deep in vegetables by now. I know we have a long growing season. I know I started from scratch. I know vegetables take an average of 50-60 days to grow. I know. I know. I know. But I just don't want to accept it.

Back outside to watch my boiling pot boil.

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