Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Whoop! There it is!

Yesterday, just after lunchtime I retrieved my phone from the depths of purse and was shocked to see 3 missed calls from a friend. No messages, just missed calls. Something was up. So, I called one back and she asked me in a state of panic, "Did you get a call from DHEC?" Uh, no. She instructed me to listen to my voicemail but gave me the lowdown. A child in CityBaby's class was infected with whooping ocugh (Pertussis, to you experts) and every child needed to go on antibiotic. I fle into a panic. Called DHEC, called my pediatrician, called my husband, called my parents...oy, the drama of it all. I learned more than I ever needed to know about infectious diseases. And, now I've got a potential carrier monkey running around my house....for the next 3 says...with no help. We're quarantined. It's contagious. And, it sucks.

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